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1 person every month is given £30 for doing the following...

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You have worked hard and we want to ensure you are paid correctly and on time. Our working week runs Monday to Sunday and you get paid the following Friday (this could change over bank holiday periods).

To ensure your pay is not delayed please ensure your timesheets are signed by the client and then sent through to us by midday Monday. Online Timesheets are coming soon!

Holiday Pay

You are entitled to holiday pay as per Working Time Regulations which is currenlty 5.6 weeks per annum (pro rata) and your holiday date starts on the first date of your assignment with us.  Full details of holiday pay is detailed within your contract and please contact us at anytime to see your accrual.  All holiday must be taken in your leave year and not carried forward.  

Any queries/change of bank details/holiday requests need to be emailed to [email protected]

